Aloguinsan Agrotourism Farmhouse

aloguinsan-farmhouseAloguinsan Agrotourism Farmhouse (photo: Aloguinsan Government Tourism fb)

Aloguinsan Agrotourism Farmhouse

The Aloguinsan Agrotourism Farmhouse (or Aloguinsan Farmhouse) is just of the of growing organic farming sites you can find in Cebu or other various places in the Philippines.

At Aloguinsan Farmhouse, you can learn lots of lessons on how to farm organically, and therefore you can produce and consume your own organic and healthy food.

However, aside from the benefits of organically produced food sources for health, it is one of the best practices to be environmentally-friendly. Therefore, you are not only doing it for health reasons but also you are trying to save the environment – if not, the Earth from the adverse effects of climate change.

The farmhouse showcases natural or organic farming principles and proven practices.

Anyway, if you want to get converted or become more organic in your daily life, try visiting this place, and you will certainly enjoy it!

Welcoming Environment

The farmhouse is just around a hundred meters from Aloguinsan’s town market (or ‘Mercado’). So, you can only walk towards your direction and maybe expect to be greeted by staff members.

Upon approaching the place, you will immediately see their artistic design of signage made of wood and an entrance gate made of bamboos. Just over the entrance, you will be greeted with a green panorama of lawn covered with green grass with some concrete block over them so you won’t be stepping on the turf.

By the spacious cottage area, you will be warmly welcomed by the staff/guides from the Cultural Heritage for Aloguinsan Tourism (CHAT – a cute acronym for awareness-raising on organic farming!). Of course, you will be offered with great hospitality, such as providing you refreshing and cold drinks  - Lemongrass and Calamansi Drink.

kutsinta-kutchintaKutsinta - a delicious sticky rice delicacy

A Quick Guide Map

At the Main Building of Aloguinsan Agrotourism farmhouse, you can find showcases and some lessons from culinary.

Aside from that building, you can also find an Information Area where you will be properly welcomed and entertained. Also, you can enjoy their souvenir products either by just looking at them or purchasing them – another great way of supporting their efforts to raise awareness and promoting eco-tourism endeavors.

At the Souvenir Shop, you can find some of these: paintings, handicrafts, accessories, home decors, etc. and organic products or practices.

aloguisan-beach-viewA beautiful sight of Alonguisan beach

Organic & Environmental Produce

At the farmhouse, you will see healthy and organic vegetables including

  • tomatoes, eggplants, sweet potatoes,
  • flowering plants (e.g., Bougainvilla)
  • vermiculture (where they raise worms as agents for producing fertile soil for farming and another usage)
  • fishpond (where Tilapia is being raised
  • livestock area where you can meet animals

One of the practices they are showing here is the way they produce clean and organic meat product (e.g., pork). You cannot smell the usually nauseating smell of pig pens. How come? They use only natural feeds such as feeding pigs with Madre de Agua which contains protein, crude fiber, dry matter, calcium, moisture, etc.

These nutrients are thought to be great for digestibility and growing a healthy pig suitable for human consumption.

Aside from Madre de Agua, pigs are also being fed twice a day with a diet mixed with Malunggay (Giant Horse Radish), Camote Tops (Sweet Potato young leaves), Kangkong (Water Spinach), plant juices, and other natural food that counter the terrible smell.

At Aloguinsan Agrotourism Farmhouse, you will be offered tasty organic snacks and food while sitting on the native-style and locally produced furniture and tables. You can enjoy hot chocolate (tsokolate made with tablea – cacao), sweet potatoes, pan Bisaya (coconut wine [tuba] is used as yeast agent), boiled banana, biko (glutinous rice cooked with coconut milk, sugar, etc.). You can visit here only for these snacks!!

Food & Take Home Lessons

Now, that you are loaded, you might want to learn some lessons that you can take home. For example, you can learn how to make a “puso” (hanging rice wrapped in coconut leaves).

By the way, ‘puso’ is a traditional way, and an ingenious and practical way, of keeping cooked rice fresh and easy to serve. It is one of the icons for tourism in the country and which is recently gaining much attention as truly native.

Okay, going back to food…

At the Farmhouse, go can come just to eat their organic dishes – native and traditional dishes and some with foreign influences. Here are some of their green culinary products: native chicken tinola, humba and hamonada (pork), banana blossom salad, monggo bean soup, vegetarian lumpia, grilled tilapia or other fish, mangoes, rice cakes, and more.

Yes, Aloguinsan Agrotourism Farmhouse is definitely your best option if you want to explore anything that is healthy, organic, climate change friendly and above all – tasty, enjoyable, and relaxing!

bojo-river-ecotourism-cruiseBojo River Ecotourism in Aloguinsan (photo: Aloguinsan Tourism fb)

Finding Aloguinsan Agrotourism Farmhouse

If you have decided, or still deciding, the below details can help you make your decision.

Contact Details:
Phone: 469-9312 (Aloguinsan Municipal Tourism Office number)

Presuming that you come from Cebu City, you must head to Cebu South Bus Terminal if you are looking for a huge bus. Take a yellow Sepo Bus that travels to Aloguinsan and ask the ‘konduktor’ to let you get off by the Aloguinsan Public Market. It takes over two hours to get there.

Of course, you may also take other public transports, such as the V-Hire (great if you have a group, and it is also quicker), taxi or motorcycle. You can also freely take your own ride!

So, hope you like this page and that you also support agrotourism (or agritourism) programs. Thanks for reading, safe travels!

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